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Showing posts from November, 2018

tasks performed by a gopher

There's something sinister about modern job titles, and it has everything to do with money, as most sinister things do. I'm sure it started with my old boss making out the bill for the house he'd just built and figured out there was a definite limit for how much he could charge his customer I mean client for the tasks performed by a gopher. At that point, on that invoice, completely unbeknownst to me, I became a junior apprentice carpentry specialist, and the client got a bigger bill he was more than happy to pay for such professional quality supplied.. cheap jerseys According to documents from the Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division, Roy Allen bought the TrailBlazer new from Flemington. He also bought GM Major Guard extended service and GM Smart Care maintenance contracts. The dealership last serviced the vehicle three days before the April 2009 accident in which the tire blew out on Interstate 95 in Virginia while the plaintiffs, members of the Allen family...